Seventh-day Adventist® Church

SDA Church Bulamu



When confused ask God for guidance. It's in the Bible, Proverbs 2:1-8, TLB. "Every young man who listens to Me and obeys My instructions will be given wisdom and good sense. Yes, if you want better insight and discernment, and are searching for them as you would for lost money or hidden treasure, then wisdom will be given you and knowledge of God himself; you will soon learn the importance of reverence for the Lord and of trusting Him. For the Lord grants wisdom! His every word is a treasure of knowledge and understanding. He grants good sense to the godly—his saints. He is their shield, protecting them and guarding their pathway."

Without doubting, ask God for clarification. It's in the Bible, James 1:5-8, TLB. "If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him, and He will gladly tell you, for He is always ready to give a bountiful supply of wisdom to all who ask Him; He will not resent it. But when you ask Him, be sure that you really expect Him to tell you, for a doubtful mind will be as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is driven and tossed by the wind; and every decision you then make will be uncertain, as you turn first this way and then that. If you don't ask with faith, don't expect the Lord to give you any solid answer."

If you are confused about what to do next in your life God will help. It's in the Bible, Psalm 32:8-9, TLB. "I will instruct you (says the Lord) and guide you along the best pathway for your life; I will advise you and watch your progress. Don't be like a senseless horse or mule that has to have a bit in its mouth to keep it in line!"

When confused don't trust yourself. It's in the Bible, Proverbs 3:5-8, TLB. "Then trust the Lord completely; don't ever trust yourself. In everything you do, put God first, and He will direct you and crown your efforts with success. Don't be conceited, sure of your own wisdom. Instead, trust and reverence the Lord, and turn your back on evil; When you do that, then you will be given renewed health and vitality."